Sign up for DEIA updates

Would you like to stay informed about diversity, equity and inclusion issues and activities in our union?

Sign up to the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) list to get updates and information related to the union’s equity work! The DEIA list is open to all HEU members who are interested in staying updated about any equity activities/events.


The DEIA sign-up includes an option for you to self-identify with any equity-deserving group represented by HEU’s six Equity Standing Committees.

HEU has a diverse membership. HEU’s Equity Standing Committees work to increase the diverse membership’s involvement throughout the union and HEU workplaces. 

By self-identifying, you will help the Committees target information, resources, and updates relevant to you. You can self-identify with more than one equity group.

What does self–identification mean?

Self-identification means the voluntary, confidential, and self-described declaration of your identity and lived experience. Self-identification is honour-based (no one will be asked to verify their self-identification). An ally or advocate of someone from an equity-deserving group, should not self-identify as a member of that group.

Fill out the form below to get updates about equity work at HEU. By signing up below, you consent to receiving communications from HEU about equity issues and updates.