We have to support each other, be patient and enjoy every moment

Member on forklift

“I work at the warehouse. We help supply whatever is needed in the hospitals – from paper to gauze and syringes.

If we cannot deliver the products, the hospitals won’t be able to give proper patient care, possibly even causing operations to be postponed. Everything that we bag and deliver is connected to a life that may need saving. It starts with us.

Because we know the importance of what we deliver to hospitals, we are as fast and as accurate as possible. With all the extra demands during COVID, we have been working harder than ever.
I have recently been appointed to the Chief Shop Steward role and we have a brand new executive. It is a learning curve and has been a struggle. We are learning a lot.
I have a background in labour law and arbitration so I have a passion for advocating for our members.
Life is tough, but as the saying goes, we are tougher. We have to support each other and it gets easier. Be patient and enjoy every moment that we can.”

Nina, stores attendant, part of the health care team