How convention works

HEU 2016 convention
HEU 2016 convention

This fall, more than 650 delegates from HEU locals will gather at Vancouver’s Hyatt Regency Hotel for the union’s 2016 convention, under the theme Member voices. Union power. United for action.

Convention is the supreme policy-making body of the union, which democratically determines HEU’s priorities and course of action over the next two years.

Since HEU’s inception in 1944, the union has held 30 conventions, which are currently held biennially.

During formal convention proceedings, governed by the HEU Constitution and By-Laws, delegates will debate and vote on proposed resolutions and constitutional amendments brought forward by HEU locals.

They’ll also elect 20 members of the union’s 22-member Provincial Executive (P.E.) and ratify the appointment of HEU’s secretary-business manager.

Eligible delegates – members who have attended at least 50 per cent of local meetings in the 12-month period leading up to the convention call – are elected by their peers at a general or special meeting that must have quorum. Delegates are responsible for representing the interests of their local’s membership.

Members of the P.E. are automatic convention delegates, and the union’s five equity standing committees can send one delegate per caucus.

The P.E. also ratifies recommendations for delegates assigned to the resolutions, constitutional amendments, credentials, tabulations, and sergeant-at-arms committees. Some committees meet prior to convention.

P.E. candidates must be delegates and can also be nominated on the convention floor. At convention, proposed resolutions will pass with a majority vote, whereas proposed constitutional amendments require a two-thirds majority vote.

Elected P.E. members officially commence their positions when they are sworn in at the close of convention.