Members tackle bullying head on in 100 Mile

From The Guardian

When HEU activists at 100 Mile District General Hospital realized workplace bullying was a problem, they tackled it head on.

Shop stewards Bethany Whelan and Monica Keogh started the Pink Pledge Campaign to engage members on the issue. They came to work entirely in pink, handed out snacks and treats to members, while educating them about the union’s equity-seeking groups.

They created word quizzes to teach appropriate equity terminology, designed Pink Pledge educational poster boards, and hosted information tables on their own time.

“It’s changing the atmosphere we work in and people are understanding that some of the choice words they use are causing damage,” said Whelan, a cook and local vice-chairperson. She says she’s seeing positive results. After noticing discord between crews in her dietary department, Whelan brought speakers to work, started playing music and having mini-dance sessions. The environment soon became more relaxed.

Keogh, a JOHS committee member involved in Psychological Health, Safety and Wellness, flagged workplace mental health as being a safety issue. “It also addresses cyber-bullying and the myriad of ways stress affects our focus and safety at work.”