Season’s greetings

On behalf of the Provincial Executive, we’d like to take this opportunity to send season’s greetings to you and the more than 50,000 members who are the Hospital Employees’ Union.

It’s been an unprecedented year, and through it all HEU members have been on the front lines of the pandemic providing courageous and compassionate care and support to patients and residents.

In the face of this once-in-a-generation health emergency, the public has gained a new appreciation for the critical importance of your work to the delivery of health care. 

The recent roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine is a hopeful development. And as we look forward to a brighter tomorrow, we want to wish you and your family a safe and peaceful holiday season and a happy new year!

In solidarity,

Barb Nederpel, President

Mike Old, Secretary-Business Manager (Interim)

Betty Valenzuela, Financial Secretary