Convention 2024: Proposed Resolutions Form

HEU is holding its biennial convention October 20 to 25, 2024 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

Convention is the supreme policy-making body of the union, which democratically determines HEU’s priorities and course of action over the next two years.

During formal convention proceedings, governed by the HEU Constitution and By-Laws, delegates debate and vote on proposed resolutions and constitutional amendments brought forward by HEU locals.


  • Resolutions address general union policy and matters that don’t require changes to the HEU Constitution and By-Laws. These are primarily recorded in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  • Examples are a change to current union policy, positions the union should take on government actions, support for other Unions or international solidarity groups or desired changes to legislation.
  • It is recommended to look at the most updated copy of the Policies and Procedures Manual to determine how the motion will change existing language, reaffirm existing language, or to create new language.
  • Every proposed resolution should clearly state what you want and why.

All proposed resolutions from HEU locals must be adopted by majority vote at a local meeting with quorum.

The deadline for submitting proposed resolutions closed on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.